It’s too early for this kind of stupid

I’ve heard the argument that before social media came along, the nutters were always out there: it’s just that we never got to hear from them.

Like Zuma’s daughter:

And this weird right wing Christian (of course):

66% of the world’s population vaccinated.
100% of the world’s population still alive.
Worst “weapon of mass murder” ever. I could do more damage with an unripe banana.

I think I preferred those days.

Day 413 – India

India has been particularly badly hit by Covid-19 over the past month or so. Some would say that the problem is a lack of social distancing, no restrictions on gatherings, a crumbling healthcare system, or 5G. But, the Indian government has been quick to deny at least one of those claims. (Hey, at least they’ve been quick to do something.)

The lack of 5G in India, coupled with their horrendous recent record, is surely quite enough to convince even the maddest of tinfoil hatters that there is no link.

Yeah, I doubt it too.

No, the real risk is not from mobile masts, it’s from person to person transmission, which is why it’s good that SA is taking all the precautions necessary.


Day 318 – “Doctor” ticks more boxes on crazy list

You might have read my blog post about “Dr” Chabad (de Jaeger) de la Fontaine the other day.

Here it is, just in case you missed it

In that post, I described how – despite much in-depth googling – I just couldn’t seem to locate her medical qualification. I also touched on the nutty theories, “research” and general quackery to which she subscribes, including (but not limited to):

“DNA nutrition”, homeopathy, naturopathy, “Quantum Nano Technology”, “DNA activation”, “water oscillation, frequency and resonance technology”, and “Haemotology and Nutrition for Blood Types”.


Well, yesterday, “Dr” Chabad (de Jaeger) de la Fontaine was back on a beach, and – anxious to maintain and extend her reign as Cape Town’s craziest person of 2021 – ticked off a few more boxes on the thin aluminium millinery list:

Ah yes, the global cabal, anti-semitic, NWO, antichrist agenda.

That old chestnut…

Look, I really don’t want to see or hear any more from this dreadful, dried-out prune of a woman, but at the same time, we’re so very close to filling in our nutzy bingo sheet here, that I find myself almost praying that just she pops up tomorrow in Kommetjie with a screamy 5G, Bill Gates microchips in the vaccine, Reptilian overlord-laden rant just to dot the Is and cross the Ts.

And once she’s done that, she can fuck right off and never darken our collective doorway again, thank you very much.

Day 112 – Simulation

I’m not going to spend too much time on this, because it is fairly straightforward stuff, unless you’re an idiot.

One of the things that companies and organisations do is train their staff. That’s so that their staff and systems can become more proficient at doing whatever it is that they do. It’s not rocket science (although I guess that rockets scientists also do training stuff – it’s pretty much ubiquitous).

If I think of a profession that trains regularly, I think of firefighters. Remember passing the local fire station with its four-storey tower build specifically for training, as a kid?

Here’s my local one:

The UN and the WHO are organisations that train their staff. One of the things they train their staff on is how to deal with global pandemics, because that’s the sort of thing that the UN and the WHO are involved in dealing with. They work with other organisations (governments, the EU, the CDC etc) and other experts in planning for these sort of things so that – hopefully, at least- communications, sharing of data, logistics and the like can all be put in place more quickly and more efficiently in the event of an actual global pandemic, whether it is one that came from a wildlife market in Wuhan or from a terrorist organisation releasing a pathogenic organism.

Yep. Believe it or not, the global response to this virus could have been even worse, were it not for the training that the UN and its friends have been doing for years (because we’ve known for years that something like this was coming, remember?).

They simulate what they would have to do in a situation like this.

They don’t actually do it.

Much as the boys and girls from Rivelin Fire Station simulate fighting a house fire as described above. They don’t actually come round to your place, dowse it in petrol and light it up, just to see if they can get you out from an upstairs window before you succumb to smoke inhalation and/or horrific burns.

That would be real*, not a simulation.  

If you read this thing going around on Whatsapp:

… as being the “smoking gun” evidence that this pandemic is just a massive experiment on the entire population of the planet, carefully orchestrated by shadowy figures who control our world leaders, then I’m telling you that you’re wrong.

How careless of the UN and the WHO to have accidentally published it in a (still) globally available document. You’d really think that they’d have tried to keep this information to themselves, wouldn’t you?**


If you then, having been wrong above, make a 1 hour and 40 minute (!!) Youtube video (and no, I will not share the link) about this being the “smoking gun” evidence that this pandemic is just a massive experiment on the entire population of the planet, carefully orchestrated by shadowy figures who control our world leaders, then [choose appropriate deity], you are clearly beyond any help that I (or possibly anyone else) can give you.

Life is hard enough right now without this sort of tinfoil hat-ism.

Really. Get a grip.



* also, that would be arson…
** yeah, but that’s exactly what they want you to think…