Day 318 – “Doctor” ticks more boxes on crazy list

You might have read my blog post about “Dr” Chabad (de Jaeger) de la Fontaine the other day.

Here it is, just in case you missed it

In that post, I described how – despite much in-depth googling – I just couldn’t seem to locate her medical qualification. I also touched on the nutty theories, “research” and general quackery to which she subscribes, including (but not limited to):

“DNA nutrition”, homeopathy, naturopathy, “Quantum Nano Technology”, “DNA activation”, “water oscillation, frequency and resonance technology”, and “Haemotology and Nutrition for Blood Types”.


Well, yesterday, “Dr” Chabad (de Jaeger) de la Fontaine was back on a beach, and – anxious to maintain and extend her reign as Cape Town’s craziest person of 2021 – ticked off a few more boxes on the thin aluminium millinery list:

Ah yes, the global cabal, anti-semitic, NWO, antichrist agenda.

That old chestnut…

Look, I really don’t want to see or hear any more from this dreadful, dried-out prune of a woman, but at the same time, we’re so very close to filling in our nutzy bingo sheet here, that I find myself almost praying that just she pops up tomorrow in Kommetjie with a screamy 5G, Bill Gates microchips in the vaccine, Reptilian overlord-laden rant just to dot the Is and cross the Ts.

And once she’s done that, she can fuck right off and never darken our collective doorway again, thank you very much.