2017 Sunset

I was looking through some old images earlier when I found this one of a Suiderstrand sunset.

Obviously a lot has changed since this was taken back in December 2017. Not just in Suiderstrand (none of which you can see anyway), but in the world in general. Not even Cyril was in charge back when this was taken. Of course, there are some who would say he’s never really been in charge.

Anyway, rich, golden tones over the most very easterly bit of the Atlantic Ocean. And the lagoon somewhere down there too.

If he can do it…

…why can’t everyone else?

See, this is the thing when people start making daft, unilateral decisions without considering any of the potential consequences. It suddenly gives carte blanche to everyone else to do the same thing.

Still, that said, not all of the ideas that comes out of these things are necessarily bad ideas…

This, for example, seems like a perfectly reasonable name change.

Why should we bother?

Technology is the key to our advancement as a species.

We invent things using technology.
We improve them using technology.
We simplify processes using technology.
We overcome society’s problems using technology.

There’s a lot of work, a lot of brains and a lot of money that goes into developing these technologies so that they can benefit humankind.

And yet, sometimes all of that seems so very unappreciated.

And it does seem that parents are particularly unappreciative of the things that could literally save their child’s life.

Like the mother driving her squabbling kids home from school yesterday: both of them 8 or 9 years old and climbing around the footwell and passenger seat of her car – not a seatbelt in sight.

To the parents in Gaines County in Texas,

It seems that in this case, religious beliefs may have been a strong reason behind many of the (now 24) cases: all of whom *shock* are unvaccinated. Gaines Country has a high population of Mennonites, and all of the cases in Gaines can be linked to Mennonite schools. Traditionally, Mennonites reject “modern” technology (which would likely include vaccinations), which is all well and good until it backfires and a wholly preventable measles outbreak maims or kills their children.

According to this from MennoniteUSA.org:

Mennonites believe in simple living but express that simplicity in a spirit of stewardship and awareness of the needs of others rather than completely separating from society

But if I was the parent of a baby in Texas right now (the first MMR vaccination is at 12-15 months), I would be very worried right now. I certainly wouldn’t be thinking very kindly about the Mennonites and their alleged “spirit of stewardship and awareness of the needs of others” BS.

Look, religious or not, as parents we deserve to give our kids the best chance in life. And that should start with the right to health and life. Willfully ignoring or rejecting the proven technologies that we have developed to keep our children safe and well is tantamount to child abuse. As one commenter points out:

It’s difficult to have sympathy for an adult who refuses a vaccine and then gets the disease.
The children didn’t have a choice.

Yep. The children deserve better.
And everything they need is right there. It’s readily available.

They’re just not being used.

And that does raise the question: Why should we bother?


I’m not a corporate person. I know a lot of people who are corporate persons, but I am not one of them.
Really, if being a corporate person is the goal in life – and many corporate persons do seem to think that it genuinely is – then I have failed.

But I’m happy to have failed.

To be fair, a lot (but certainly not all) of the corporate persons that I know, don’t tend to throw around corporate speak. Or if they do, then (I hope, at least) it is tongue-in-cheek: poking fun at those office characters who can’t help but “circle back”, “touch base” or “unpack” something rather than just use normal words like “repeat”, “meet” or “explain”.

And it’s precisely because I will never use this corporate lingo, that I will never be a corporate success.

Oh well.

Step forward comedy duo Wankernomics: James and Charles.

James is the Chief Disruptor and Strategy Optimisation Evangelist, brand builder and thought leadership Ninja. Charles is Customer Engagement Jedi; passionate about creating bespoke consulting solutions and growth strategies for clients across all sectors.

Of course he is. Of course they are.

And their stuff – which I spotted on Instagram – is so good!

I actually use this one in this way in my life, which is why I laughed at it.

“Waterboard them!” still means the same thing though, right?

Brilliant footnote usage.

There’s so much on there – including some great videos – and on their website, their shop (the tote bag!!!!), and news about their tour.

Navigate through their digital platforms to optimise your online experience and leverage the full spectrum of available content.

Erm, I mean… Go and enjoy!