In hot water

But for once, this is a Good Thing. The issues with the geyser turned out to be no more than a faulty/broken isolator switch that needed replacing, and it has now been replaced. We are now able to shower and frolic in heated water once again. Given that it’s getting quite chilly in the evenings, this is very welcome.

Could I have done it myself? Yes, maybe, but let’s leave high current electrics in dark, poky, inaccessible places to the experts, shall we? That way, you can sleep easy knowing that you’re unlikely to have any increased risk of a house fire because of your amateur efforts.

Safety first.

Molton Brown Curry Club tonight and we’re trying somewhere new. Bit of a risk, given that we already generally frequent the best places in the city for either curry or steak. So what are we doing trying somewhere different?

Well, it’s always worth a try: just in case. This particular restaurant comes recommended, and it’s pretty much on the – now infamous – CSS Arc, which comprises the best Curry, Sushi and Steak places in Cape Town ( Bihari, Kobe, Picanha, obvs) in a curved 500m line.

So let’s go in with an open mind, shall we?

Review tomorrow. Possibly.

Day 336 – In which I go out

I would go out tonight, but I haven’t got a stitch to wear.

Wait – here’s a T-shirt. Right. We’re on.

We’ll be taking all of the sensible precautions this evening. Masks, social distancing, hand washing, and curry. To my knowledge, no-one has done any research into whether or not curry can stall or stop coronavirus infection, so we can’t be sure that it will work in that way, but equally, we can’t be sure that it won’t.

I’m going to give it a go. For science.

And it will be great to eat a meal somewhere other than my house.
Even it it is a lovely house.

The Raj disappoints

I’ve been moving a lab halfway across Cape Town today and thought that a quick curry might just put right the wrongs of the day. Thus, we headed down to Constantia Village and The Raj, which is where Wasabi used to be.

Sadly, it turned out to be a very disappointing experience. This isn’t a restaurant review – I simply don’t have the energy for that – but suffice to say that the small, overpriced portions, unimpressive service and uninspiring food means that next time we want curry, we’ll head to Bihari, which is exactly what we should have done this evening, of course.