
It’s like Trick or Treat, but without the first bit.

The neighbours with kids in our area used the opportunity to come out from behind their tall walls, get together and meet one another.

They only went to each other’s houses, so no-one else was inconvenienced or bothered, the kids had a great hour or so, and we made some new friends.

I’m not a big fan of imported American customs, but if they’re used like this, then I’m all for them.

Bring on Thanksgiving.

Teacher fired over penis piercing

Yes. Really.

Not because he has one, but because he apparently took three boys from his school to get one done as well. And then had his done while they watched.

The Gauteng education department welcomed a decision by a high school in Pretoria to fire a teacher who allegedly took pupils to have their penises pierced.

“No school or teacher is allowed to do that”


The teacher reportedly took three teenage boys for piercing. He also reportedly had his own penis pierced in front of the pupils and gave the boys penis-shaped pasta.

Well, I hope it was al denté.

The teacher was also reportedly a member of a well-known Afrikaans folk group.

To be honest, this fact alone should have encouraged the authorities to take disciplinary action long before the piercing incident.

The Emerald Tea Lounge

Concord House (“the Pam Golding building”) on the corner of Summerly and Main Road in Kenilworth is being – actually, probably has been by now – demolished and will be redeveloped into offices and shops over the next 18 months.

The partial demolition revealed a previous incarnation of the building – The Emerald Tea Lounge – of which I can find absolutely no record on Google. Presumably, this means that it never actually existed, so why the sign, I wonder?

A bigger view here.

UPDATE: According to the Cape Telephone Directories, The Emerald Tea Lounge was open between 1953-56.

Vulture II

Sometime last week, I posted a shot of a Cape Vulture taken at the Oudtshoorn Wildlife Ranch. That vulture was a “normal” Cape Vulture, in that, despite being in captivity, it knew that it was a vulture and it recognised others around it as being vultures too.

The Cape Vulture at Radical Raptors was slightly different. Sure, it probably knows that it’s a vulture, but it thinks that the guy who runs the centre is its mum, and thus constantly begs for food from him, in the same way that baby birds in a – say – robin’s nest would beg for food.



The difference, of course, is that the Cape Vulture is:
a) far more mobile than these baby robins, and
b) has a wingspan of 2.6 metres.

The result is frankly terrifying:

But for all his deafening, banshee like screaming, he’s completely subservient and all he wants is a few scraps of meat.

Still, you wouldn’t want to get between him and his food. Like… er… I inadvertently did.

More pics (but still no blog post yet!) from Plett here.