
After this weekend, the two tables that matter the most to me are both looking very pleasant.

This Championship one:

Yep. That’s my team at the top.

And then the Fantasy Football one:

Yep. That’s my team at the top.

Lots of talk of goal difference etc. on the fantasy football group, but I’ve been doing some rudimentary calculations, and apparently it’s points that matter when calculating whoever is higher than whoever else.

And right now, I’ve got the most of those.

I’m not sure how much longer either of these situations will last, but I’m going to enjoy the moment while I can. As Konkan told us back in ’88:

Come along and share the good times while we can.

Because after last season in the Premier League, and my perennial underachieving in our long-standing Fantasy Football league, those two tables make a very welcome change from the norm.

So right now, it’s party time (until Saturday, at least).

What a night

After having spent much of the evenings this week watching late night footy or being out and about with the Molton Brown boys, I was actually quite knackered and I wasn’t really looking forward to last night’s match at Beautiful Downtown Bramall Lane.

By the way, I do recognise that despite being about football – the number one sport globally – this is still a bit of niche post for most readers, but MMIRIM, so I’m putting it here anyway.

But I watched, and thank [Deity] I did.

Grit, courage, effort, attitude, belief, damn hard work.

What a night.

There’s a thing that I have seen from watching almost several hours of football over the last n years, and that’s that the best teams somehow manage to grind a positive result out of games that they really shouldn’t be able to. And when you don’t play at your best, but you still manage to get a win: that’s the sign of a team that’s going places.

Me though, not so much. The adrenaline coursing through my veins meant that I didn’t get to sleep until about1:30, and amazingly – if anything – I’m more broken this morning than I was going into last night.

EDIT: Look, not everyone enjoyed it.
Here’s an excerpt from a Sunderland fans internet comment about the game:

“Shellshocked doesn’t go far enough to describe how I feel.
I feel utterly numb and inconsolable right now.
I feel like I ought to flog the cheap tat that is Sheffield hallmarked silver that’s in my collection to make a point. That place has always made vastly inferior crap anyway. I hate that village in Yorkshire. I hate everything about it.”

Mate. It was a 1-0 defeat.
Calm your tits, hold onto your silver collection, take a deep breath and try to enjoy your weekend.
Good luck with real life.


Actually, the Caps Lock was accidental, but I’m not about to remove it now.

The first Steel City Derby in almost 5 years ended in a United win and some wendy tears.

1-0, 3-0, 5-0… The scoreline doesn’t matter. All that anyone cares about is the result.

The result that went our way, because we were the better team. Because we are the better team.

This has been a good day. This will be a good evening. Tomorrow morning might not be quite so much fun, but that’s a risk I’m willing to take.

Yes, another Black Label, please.

UPDATE: Now with added highlights for easy reference in the future.

90+8 art

Not every result last night was great. But this one was.

Those 98th minute scenes at Ashton Gate last night…

Hang it in the Louvre. (But maybe do a bit of cropping and editing first).

I do get it. Sometimes you just need to get the image out there and let someone else worry about the details later. And don’t panic, anonymous press photographer: I’m here to help.

There we go. Now hang it in the Louvre.

What a night.