Let’s cut to the chase. This didn’t happen. But it wasn’t for want of trying.
Here’s what I was up against.
First off, here is the visible sky from Chez 6000 last night. And those teeny tiny red dots right at the very bottom demonstrate the path of the Starlink train. They are very, very close to the horizon.
And it wasn’t even dark. Not even close. Here’s a 4 second exposure of that bit of the sky at that time:
The foreground is out of focus because it’s close to the camera and the satellites are a long way away. The likelihood is that those satellites are actually in this image, but sadly, they were far too dim and the sky far too bright to even dream of seeing them.
I did hang around outside and hope for something… anything. And sunset was pretty, if unremarkable (#noRBOSS).
But there were no satellites.
There are no viable Starlink passes predicted over Cape Town for the foreseeable future. I’ll obviously be revisiting this project at some point when they return.