Another Pick n Pay Sausage Fail

Who could forget the infamous Pick n Pay experiment of sticking Pap and Wors in one handy sausage unit – the Worst Wors™ ever?

Well, not content with turning your stomach with that, it would now appear that they are putting Oyster Sauce and Rice Wine in their Boeries and have moved away from recommending braai’ing as the cooking method of choice:

“Opstal” translates as “Homestead”. But out on the small-holding, I’m pretty sure Ouma van der Merwe would never have thought of using those sorts of ingredients before stirfrying her traditional sausage.

The BBC Lifestyle channel has a lot to answer for.

23 thoughts on “Another Pick n Pay Sausage Fail

  1. I can’t see that doing the rounds on a plate at Yo! Sushi… and I’ve got a funny feeling that Ouma wouldn’t even know what a stir-fry is! 😀 I think that is the ‘wurst’ idea that P’nP have ever had (to date)!!
    .-= Helga Hansen´s last blog ..Last of the summer time =-.

  2. That’s a very interesting ingredients label. I searched in vain for anything vaguely meaty, even anything vaguely grainy, but to no avail.

    Either that’s only a partial list or it uses one hell of a lot of stabilisers!

    Either way, I don’t think I’ll be asking my local SA shop to import these …
    .-= Ro´s last blog ..Time Marches Onwards … =-.

  3. HH > I guess you could stirfry it. As much as you could stirfry anything.

    Ro > Look, I am guessing that the ingredients are wrong. But you’re right not to get these imported.
    I have this frozen and I will report back when I stirfry braai it.

  4. DW > Dude, CPnP is way north of the lentil curtain. That starts in Tokai.

    HH > The wors is strong in this one.

    po > I might actually stirfry it – just because they think it’s a good idea.

  5. How can one stir-fry a sausage? Think you are right and they got the label wrong. Most probably lekker ostrich wors or something. Look forward to your test result. 🙂

  6. Val > I will stirfry this sausage and I will show people that stirfried PnP opstalwors is a delicacy in itself.


  7. I stir-fried it. Very, very difficult. Required 3 hands. Not to be recommended by amateurs chefs. However, it was very tasty. Not as nice as braai, though.

  8. Huh? Tokai & Constantia are laaik next door to each other bru?
    To keep you happy, I’ll refer to it in future as the “We’re sooo special, X5 owners, horse poo & wife swapping curtain” 🙂

  9. Hahahaha… just clicked through to see the Worst Wors Ever… Gross. Strange that I haven’t seen that in my local Pick n Poo. I would’ve thought it would be a best-seller by now. Not.
    .-= Tamara´s last blog ..Frustration =-.

  10. How awful! This reminds me of the time we received Chelsea Davy for tea.

    She has to be the most classless woman ever to grace our presence. I admit she is easy on the eye but that is where it ends. She presented us with something called Bulltongue which was dried and tasteless.

  11. Nixgrim > But I am no amateur.

    DW > Well SA and Zim are next door to each other as well, but there’s still a border (of sorts).

    Craig > Yes. But they do have Nigella.

    Tamara > The weird thing is, people will still eat pap en wors. Just not in one casing.

    HRH > Having met Chelsy on a number of occasions, I must dispute your opinion of her personality, if not her appearance.

    Henry Crun > They don’t, Henry. They never really have.

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