More vaccine news

Moonbats and and tinfoil headgear enthusiasts have long told us that the vaccine was full of microchips and nanobots and dead babies and actual Covid and Bill Gates sperm. That’s a lot of things to fit in a tiny syringe.
And one of the more enduring allegations was that of the presence of Graphene Oxide. Quite where the idea that there was any Graphene Oxide (GO) in there came from is a bit of a mystery. As is the reasoning behind the claims: there’s everything from mind control through to just plain old poisoning given for the alleged presence of GO in the Pfizer shot.


One wonders what the other 1% might be made up of.

Obviously, the actual ingredients of the vaccine don’t include GO, although it is used in some medical treatments, specifically in delivering anti-cancer drugs to target organs.

But not in any Covid vaccine.

Something that the anti-vaxxers seem to have finally worked out, well… sort of.

So that 99% claim above was clearly 100% incorrect.

And the “base compounds” (they’re not compounds at all) that Graphene Oxide (or Graphene Hydroxide, depending on which bit they’re fantasising about in their message) is constructed from?

Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen.

Oh. So the same chemicals you might find in such nasty stuff as butter, sunflower oil, bacon, any and every type of sugar, all proteins, fats, bread products, eggs, blood, lentils, milk, you, me, the beagle: basically every living thing and all the stuff that living things produce.

And then somehow your phone is going to make the carbon, hydrogen and oxygen from the jab – not all the other billions and billions of those atoms that you’re already literally built of – into Graphene Oxide which is going to kill you.

Incidentally, if there was a method of making GO that easily, we’d surely jump at the chance. Right now, we have to treat graphene with some pretty horrific chemicals (Sulphuric acid, Nitric acid, Phosphoric acid, Potassium permanganate etc) under some ridiculous conditions (eg. 90oC for three or four days) to make the oxide.

So much easier just to wave a cellphone near your recently-vaccinated body. And, while we’re on the subject, pretty brave (or pretty foolish) to have shared that information by iMessage, given that those communications can only be sent using the alleged trigger instrument of GO assembly and instant death – the iPhone.

Of course, it’s all absolute bollocks. All completely fabricated and we can be pretty sure that there is no way that whoever wrote the message above has any access to mass spectroscopy equipment and know-how. That stuff is highly technical and they’re talking bullshit. And yet, people believe it.

Utterly bewildering and very worrying.

Go and get vaccinated. And keep using your phone.

You’ll be fine.

Day 377 – Wizard Poison

I spotted this on Twitter and it made me smile.

“Wizard poison” – what a lovely turn of phrase.

The latest anti-vaxxer (for it is they that Patton is referring to under his “idiots” tag) arguments demonstrate a couple of their usual methods very nicely. I thought I’d run through them.

Firstly, there’s their claim that the vaccines amount to “gene therapy”. Nope.
What they’ve done here is looked at the vaccine, seen the acronym “mRNA”, extrapolated the N and the A to give themselves the phrase “nucleic acid” which they then associate with genes (even though genes are actually made up of DNA, not RNA) and then somehow leapt to the assumption that the vaccine will in some way replace the genes within their and your DNA, thus altering their and your genetic code. wut?
This is plainly incorrect, but – as we’ve discussed many times on here and everywhere else – that simple fact will not stop the rumours from being spread far and wide across the internet.
There’s a further point to this as well, though: the suggestion the gene therapy is a bad thing. Not so. Gene therapy will save countless lives, but that’s very much a secondary issue here, because none of the Covid-19 vaccines are gene therapy.

So that’s the one tactic: getting things completely wrong without any care or repercussion. The second one is cherry-picking the data to suit their narrative.

There may be a problem with the AZ vaccine in that there seems to be a link between it and instances of blood clots in patients. That’s clearly not a good thing, and because of that, the anti-vaxxer brigade have joyfully leapt all over it.

The thing is that we’re looking at 30 suspected cases in the UK, after 18 million doses of the vaccine in question. That amounts to 1 case for every 600,000 doses administered. Those are the numbers, and that’s what’s prompted a full investigation.


Blood clots are also a side-effect of Covid-19, possibly by triggering an autoimmune antibody. The instance of this is approximately 1 in 6,000 cases (nice number). So while you might – possibly – suffer from blood clots as a result of having the AZ vaccine, if you get Covid-19 as a result of not having the AZ vaccine, you’re about 100 times more likely to have problems with blood clots.

Surprise surprise, this is the bit that the anti-vaxxers choose to omit from their shitty monologues.

You can’t believe everything you hear. Or indeed anything that comes from their mouths.

Take it from me: the vaccines are far safer than running the risk of getting Covid, which is very much not safe.
And they contain very, very little wizard poison. Promise.