More Toto covers

We’ve heard this song covered on the harpejji and by an American choir.

Now here it is on an Otamatone (no, I’d never heard of one either).

And now I never want to hear one again.
Sweet Baby Cheeses. That’s awful.

And here’s a version on a rubber chicken.

And yes, despite not being an actual recognised musical instrument, the chicken one is much better.
Much, much better.

Right – that’s enough internet for today, I think.

Take On Me

Ag, you must know what’s coming. Yes, it’s ANOTHER cover version of a-ha’s biggest hit* Take On Me, this time by Brooklyn Duo and Ensemble Connect.

You’ll note a violin, a viola, two cellos, a double bass, a piano (big black thing at the back), a trombone, a bassoon and a very enthusiastic clarinet.


Lovely version, and a hat-tip to whoever tied in Magne’s keyboard solo to  Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov’s 1899 Flight of the Bumble Beagle.

I have now heard 261 cover versions of this song, but this one is a real original, and must rate somewhere in the top 10.

* terms and conditions apply

Beautiful Stipe

For me, there’s not much that Michael Stipe touches that doesn’t turn to gold.
So perhaps it comes as no surprise that I think that this – doing the rounds on social media today – is utterly beautiful.

Truth be told, I was never a fan of David Bowie*, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t appreciate a decent song every now and again. And, for me, this cover beats even the Nirvana unplugged version [alienates even more readers].

Just enjoy it. And feel for the apparently unknown and unsung (no pun intended) piano player who gets absolutely no recognition, despite being instrumental (no pun intended) in the performance.


* No, you **** off.