Quick LE

Not much time to blog today between a quick visit to the Most Southerly Point, a drive back to Cape Town, a quick cooling swim and a concert this evening.

So, herewith another quota photo: taken at the MSP this morning, and taken with my new Gobe ND1000 filter.

Is it ethereal? Is it otherworldly? Did a crab try to eat my toe while I was taking it? The answer to that last one is a yes, by the way.
Bigger and (arguably) better on black here.

I love the misty seas and the smudgy sky, juxtaposed against the permanence of the rocks. I have a few other images to play with, but like I said: I’m in a hurry, right?

More tomorrow. Have a great evening.


…I don’t think we’re in Africa anymore.


There’s something wrong with this, isn’t there?
Google Maps seems to have gone a bit Apple if it thinks that the Southernmost Tip of Africa is actually some distance into the ocean.

This could lead to all sorts of confusion with continents and countries claiming to be bigger than they actually are: North Korea Syndrome, I think it’s called.

Anyway, we were there yesterday (the Southernmost Tip, not North Korea):


…and we left with dry feet, so today’s lesson is not to believe everything that Google Maps tells you.