Day 213 – Big plans and high hopes

I planned to have time to do proper stuff and do a proper post on here today. Suffice to say, it hasn’t happened. But it’s been a busy day full of hard work, family discussion and a bit of catching up after the Robben Island trip.

I am still exhausted.

I’ll get around to gathering some thoughts tomorrow, I hope – although this week is already looking concerningly busy…

Some good news. The Boy Wonder went out leading a team in a Western Cape Scouting competition in rain, fog and then blazing sunshine yesterday, and captained them to 1st place from nearly 50 teams. It’s a fantastic result after a fantastic effort and I’m so proud.

But right now, some down time (if you don’t mind).

A bath

I worked damn hard at the Scout Hall Work Party this afternoon. I’ll be honest, it was pretty much all work and no party, so I’m not sure who came up with the name, but still. The mood was good and the place looks spick and span once again. Well done, all.

I came home exhausted, having waved my big chopper around for three hours. All I wanted this evening was a beer, a burger and a bath. And (in my mind, at least), I fully deserved all three.

The beer will come from the beer fridge, its temperature set slightly below the norm for general refrigeration purposes. Nice and icy. The burger will be provided by Tiger’s Milk via UberEats. Bacon will be involved.

That just leaves the bath. We’re not meant to bath in Cape Town. We still don’t have a lot of water to play with. Or bath in. But I got our rates bill this morning, and we’re still using just 55 litres per person per day. We’ve earned a bath for dad; his first in over three years.

Guys… I’m in a bath.

Which is why this is being typed on a steamy screen, with wrinkled fingers. A candle as my only light source (thanks, Mrs 6000), and Ólafur Arnalds on the Bluetooth speaker. The acoustics in here are fantastic.

I can feel the tension easing from my muscles (still not going to be able to walk tomorrow though). This was a great idea.

And hey, if you came here was that post, don’t fret: it’s coming. Already ¾ written in my head. I think it’s a good one. Soon, ok?

Be prepared

Ironically, we attended a Scouts and Cubs AGM this weekend, but I was anything but prepared when it came to blogging.

It’s been a busy one with chores, social engagements, some late night drinking and rowdiness, a bathed beagle (grey water was saved for future use) and – despite the fact that there have been 17 matches on – absolutely no football. Weird.

It also seemed to go very quickly.

Other (better) blogs would have had posts ready as back up, but I’ve not been that organised. So suddenly I’m playing catch up and throwing together a few lines about a weekend I wish I could start again and do better.