Day 599 – They’re so angry

Austria is locking down some of its citizens today in a bid to avert another wave of Covid. They’re locking down the unvaccinated ones, and it really does feel like we are suddenly living in a truly divided society.

And then you think: if only there was something they could do about it.

And it all feels a bit better.

And if you think I am trivialising an important issue, maybe I am. But I look at why people aren’t getting vaccinated, and the petty, juvenile, stupid behaviour is all on them. It’s honestly so very pathetic, and if you choose to be “pro-choice” – and we all know what that really means – then why should you put the rest of us in more danger? The last two years have been shitty enough without you trying to prolong it because you feel you have to believe some crap you read on Facebook. Idiots.

The self same idiocy demonstrated over the new Tesco ad.

Seizing the zeitgeist and featuring Father Christmas with a QR code vaccine passport. Brilliant.
It’s not even a good ad. It’s busy, bitty, hurried – it’s hard work… but I actually love the fact that it’s got people upset.

And by people, I mean idiots.

You do you. Go boycott Tesco, you young, brave soldiers.
Let’s see where that gets you. Bless.

UPDATE: It seems that my stance on this has irritated a few people. So be it. You irritate me.

I’m not deliberately going out of my way to upset you, but equally, I’m not going to bend over backwards to accommodate your stupidity any longer. The data are in, the writing is on the wall, the facts are facts.
I very much doubt that SA will see a (non-)vaccinated lockdown, but looking at the way thinks are going, if it comes, I’m very much here for it. Because sure, what you do to yourself is your call, but when you choose to willfully endanger others because of your selfish and foolish behaviour, I lose my patience quickly.
And quite frankly, you deserve to be inconvenienced. And we deserve to be safer.

Oh, and before you gooi around the word “tyranny”, like you are doing already… well… this.
