Day 378 – More on vaccinations

The Minister of Health inspected a local vaccination centre today:

While professional flip-flopper and opportunist clown Julius Malema threatened to do exactly the same:

Big. Yawn.

Yeah, I think that we’re all pissed off with the complete incompetence of the government and their non-existent rollout of vaccines, but other than making some headlines, what exactly will this planned sit-in achieve? Oh, aside from potentially blocking any vaccinations that might actually have happened.

South Africa vaccinated 6,471 people today. That’s about the same number that the UK has done every 28 minutes, 24 hours a day in the last week (we’ve been through this). Even Zimbabwe managed to jab 16,784. But you can’t vaccinate people with vaccines you don’t have, and Zim has registered Indian, Chinese and Russian vaccines for use. We sent our first million vaccines back to India and it appears that we’ve received very, very few more since then.

I can’t wait for the private sector to get involved and get this shitshow sorted out.