Out for dinner

Out for dinner this evening. At a proper restaurant place, not a mate’s house.

I will be having the meat. All of the meat.

Some interesting ethical stuff brought up here, albeit in a very humorous manner.

Pigs are expensive, pink and annoying. But they’re also delicious, which is why we breed so many of them. There might be a few polar bears left if more people wanted one for breakfast.

Has anyone ever tried polar bear? I’m suddenly tempted.

(For the good of the species, of course.)

Avocado bathroom

I think we’ve all been in a house with one. I think we all know what to say.

Too many soundbites to share from the Mitchell & Webb sketch, but I think that:

How could you sleep a wink knowing that somewhere in your house, mute ceramic witness was being paid to your total inability to bow to the prevailing taste consensus?

has to be (at least) in the top 3.

Rocket Science (2)

“Rocket Science. It’s not Brain Surgery. But that’s for another post.” I recently blogged.

Congratulations: you’ve found that post.

And here’s the video which I am reminded of each and every time either of those two career options is mentioned – especially when someone is belittling  – or attempting to belittle – some achievement or other.

Comic genius. I am very surprised I haven’t shared this on here before.

Anyway. It speaks for itself, I feel. Which means I don’t have to speak for it.

See you again tomorrow.