Winter returns

It’s been an amazing weekend, both socially and meteorologically. But all that seems set to change tomorrow when there is both work and a nasty storm expected in Cape Town.


We made hay and went to see Elliot the crateman (photos), watched a house fire (really) and then attended a couple of braais.
And drank a couple of beers.
Some of us then went on to balance a small rottweiler puppy on our heads.

Fortunately, I remained sober enough not to try anything so outrageous.

I think.

Goodbye Elliot

It was with a heavy heart that I read this tweet from the V&A Waterfront account, yesterday.

Yes, after three years valiant service to the Waterfront and its visitors, Elliot, the iconic Coca Cola “crateman” is to be dismantled.

I’m taking the kids along to see Eliot for one last time this afternoon. Doubtless, there will be tears: he’s been a big part of their lives, with every visit to the Waterfront necessitating a trip to his feet. (And occasionally slightly higher when Dad wasn’t looking.)
Rarely have I been moved so much by a piece of art.

Note those tiny kids at his right foot, 10 August 2010.

Previously, Elliot has also featured on this blog, when an angry man described him as:

a monument to mediocrity, global exploitation and humankind’s dysfunctional health and disregard for our treasured eco-heritage.

and I defended the sculpture, using the tools of rationality, accuracy and ridicule.

Those were the days.

But now, it’s Elliot’s time to move on to a better place.
Although, looking at that second photo, is there really a better place?

Goodbye Elliot. Hamba Kahle, old friend.
And thank you for all the joy you’ve brought my kids and me.