Rugby Crossword

In twisted celebration of the recent World Cup win, resident crosswordist SwordDevlin has come up with a rugby-themed crossword.

I don’t really understand rugby or crosswords, so this one clearly isn’t for me, but you can have some celebratory fun with it.



My favourite clues this month are the ones that don’t remind me of the score in the final. There aren’t many.

Hands in the ruck, Green 6.

Egg-chasery festival set to begin

There’s a big egg-chasing tournament about to start in Japan this week, and what egg-chasing tournament worth its salt doesn’t have a egg-chasing themed crossword on an obscure blog 14,729km away to celebrate its opening?

Not this one.



Have fun on the puzzle, enjoy the rugby, and may the best team win – and if not them, then England or South Africa.

Guess who’s back?

…back again
Crossword’s back, tell a friend.

With apologies to Eminem, although actually telling a friend about 6000 miles… is always welcomed. Not always by the friend, sure, but you can’t have everything.

Yes, after a break of a couple of months, during which time we were literally inundated with letter, the 6000 miles… crossword is back.



With many thanks to The Compiler G-man Devlin. Favourite clue this time around? 2 Down:

Empty church by the ocean entered by the Spanish football team.

I didn’t get it. I still don’t.

Welcome back!


UPDATE: Incoming from The Compiler: ‘Empty “church” = ch + ocean = sea; entered by “the” Spanish = el = ch(el)sea = football team.’ [blowing a kiss emoji].

Ahhh! (eh?)

Bug Farv

The 6000 miles… crossword guy spent some of the time between last month’s crossword and this one “doing Namibia”. Not in a sexual sense (or so he says), but he does seem to have gone a bit overboard on the big game theme for April’s offering:



Rhino it’s hard to believe, but honestly, I’m not lion. The number of animals in the puzzle above is unbearable. It’s certainly not getting my seal of approval.
Not emused by my koalaty puns? Right, alpaca my bags and get otter here then.