…back again
Crossword’s back, tell a friend.
With apologies to Eminem, although actually telling a friend about 6000 miles… is always welcomed. Not always by the friend, sure, but you can’t have everything.
Yes, after a break of a couple of months, during which time we were literally inundated with letter, the 6000 miles… crossword is back.
With many thanks to The Compiler G-man Devlin. Favourite clue this time around? 2 Down:
Empty church by the ocean entered by the Spanish football team.
I didn’t get it. I still don’t.
Welcome back!
UPDATE: Incoming from The Compiler: ‘Empty “church” = ch + ocean = sea; entered by “the” Spanish = el = ch(el)sea = football team.’ [blowing a kiss emoji].
Ahhh! (eh?)