Simonstown, March 2007

I’m so full of snot today that I feel it may be a case of home-bathkids-dinner-bed. Thus, noting that blogging is not included in that plan, just before I instigate part one, a quota photo.

It was two years ago to the day that we packed the car and the 10½ month old boy and headed down to Simonstown for the weekend, staying in a house with an implausibly steep driveway and a seemingly infinite number of steps up to the front door.

The weekend was spent (as I remember), poking penguins and playing football on the beach. And drinking:

Yes, it was empty*

The rest of the flickr set is here.

I have just noticed that my plan for the evening also fails to mention any red wine. It would surely be foolish to miss out on the immune-boosting benefits of vitamin C that come as a helpful by-product of fermented grapes. Especially the rather decent (and rather local) Steenberg Merlot.

I shall be sorting that out with dinner, never fear.

* once he’d finished with it, it was, anyway.

11 thoughts on “Simonstown, March 2007

  1. Ahhh beach football with the son! Sounds fun.

    Yeah it would be a big shame to miss out on the vitamin c via the fermented grapes mate 😉

    Wiggy´s last blog post was: I’m not cut out for this! (Note: 6000 miles… is not responsible for the content of external internet sites)

  2. I’m a firm advocate of “start ’em young” – then they won’t go off on a bender when they’re 14/15 (hopefully!!). He looked rather cute then… as he does now! 😀 Enjoy the evening, however you choose to spend it!

    Helga Hansen´s last blog post was: Spring Clean (Note: 6000 miles… is not responsible for the content of external internet sites)

  3. OrdinaryLife…. I think he looks concerned because the little one has downed a whole bottle of beer quicker than he can himself 😆

    Wiggy´s last blog post was: First day… (Note: 6000 miles… is not responsible for the content of external internet sites)

  4. Wiggy > the wind kept blowing my Winnie the Pooh ball away.

    HH > In bed as soon as possible.

    Ad Wiz > I learned from the best – I learned from you.

    OL > My worry was that he was going to over extend and fall backwards in order to get that last drop out!

    Wiggy > He can knock it back quick.

  5. The place in the photo looks identical to the place my husband and I stayed when we went to Simon’s Town a few years ago 🙂

    acidicice´s last blog post was: No Pressure Over Cappucino (Note: 6000 miles… is not responsible for the content of external internet sites)

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