On Quizzing

Last night went… “ok”.

Sure, we lost the quiz by one point, but we only had 4 players against everyone else’s 8 (thus less chance of crowdsourcing a correct answer), and we finished ahead of several (or more) other teams who clearly were nowhere near as good as us, and several of which were full of unpleasant old white people.

It was one of those evenings where the majority of our 50:50 decisions didn’t work out for us. It happens. But it was still annoying. Irritating. Infuriating. Exasperating. Infuriating. (We did well in the Thesaurus round, by the way.)

Bad luck aside, we did noticeably fall down on one tough round: 1970s music. There was a clear, gaping hole in our knowledge. Obviously, we can’t know everything, but one this particular round, we could have done much, much better.

This morning, I decided to do something to remedy the situation, so that next time we could win the quiz again – as is the tradition when we play quizzes.
I opened up a Spotify playlist full of the top hits of the 70s and set my brain to Learn Mode.

Exactly 12 minutes later, I decided that losing a quiz by 1 point (or actually, however many points) was far preferable to putting myself through listening to anything else from those ten years. I don’t like not knowing things, but in this particular case, I’m so very, very happy to make an exception. My god: I swear that I was the only good thing to come out of that decade. 3652 days of exciting musical opportunity and all we got given was Fleetwood Mac, Elton John, Neil Young and the god-awful ABBA.

It’s fine; I’ll pass, thanks.

And I’ll proudly wear my “yes, we could have done better in that round” badge when scoring 2 out of 5 on crap music next time around as well.