It’s been a bit of a crappy day. Sick son, various work stresses, lots of running around, covid panic, loadshedding. Loadshedding times three, in fact. Seven and a half hours without electricity. Let’s not pretend this is anywhere near the First World.
It all seems horribly out of my control right now.
World’s fucked
commented someone. And he wasn’t far wrong. That’s also (almost) the opening line to Therapy?’s Stop It You’re Killing Me, which given the ever-rising death toll from the virus, seems spookily appropriate.
There are some evenings when you want to drink a bottle of red and think about how things are going and work out how you can improve the situation. But this isn’t one of those evenings. This is just a drink a bottle of red and try not to think about anything kind of evening.
I’m sure I’m not the only one feeling rather hopeless at the moment. But knowing that really doesn’t make things any better.