Day 11 – pH

Some welcome rain yesterday. We still managed a day of fresh air and some exercise in the garden, but suddenly, Cape Town has gone all autumnal. Overnight.

Hopefully, it keeps people inside even more.

I got some useful advice on Covid-19 yesterday via the medium of WhatsApp, which might help you if you want to avoid the SARS-CoV-2 virus. [Spoiler: it’s terrible advice]

Damn that generally acidic virus! Combat it with well-known alkalis like… er… lemon and lime juice.
And damn that pH scale that only runs from 1-14.

“Sod that,” said the avocado farmers of South Africa. “We’re not going to be limited by your… your… ‘science’. We’re going all out for 15.6 – pushing the boundaries beyond the boundaries once again.”

Dandelions: “Hold my beer.”


Classic moments.