When paying for something – even if it’s just 80 cents – always be absolutely sure what you are paying for.
I love this cartoon, because I’m a bit of a pendant when it comes to the correct use of language. And details are important, otherwise a sentence – like above – could mean something entirely different.
Good luck in the Battle Zone, brave warrior.
Vaguely related…
“They said they had never seen anything like it. It was like a trolley dash.
I had two hammers, hobnail boots. I was doing four at once.“
Vaguely related again…
I got an email from a supplier earlier today proudly sharing these facts in the blurb:
And they should be proud, because 6000 is a great number, and so 6000+ must be even better.
Sadly though, they’ve illustrated this amazing stat with… er… 4 stars.
And the very first testimonial they shared, cited their “attention to detail”. Oops.
I know we’re fast approaching December, and many places and people are already dreaming of summer holidays, but really…
Why yes, that extra N was entirely intentional. But thanks for noticing.