Two records

I heard a couple of records yesterday which I enjoyed in different ways.

First off Röyksopp’s Eple – memories of Green Ridges and PS2 FIFA 03 tournaments.

I always thought it was pronounced Epp-lay until (while in Norway) I found it was Norwegian for ‘Apple’ and is actually Ep-le.

And then something completely different. A favourite song of mine, reimagined. With Windows start-up noises, nogal:

You’re either going to love it or you’re going to  hate it. I’m not sure which side of the fence I’m going to finally come down on, but at the moment, I’m finding it “interesting”, discovering more each time I listen to it.

There’s certainly a time and place for it, but it’s probably 4 o’clock on a smokey, whiskey-filled morning as the sun thinks about coming up.

Not now.

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