Spoiler: It’s not.
But there are some loons out there who still believe that it might be. Like these two:
“Concerned Citizen” – if that is his real name – shares a 12 second video of Devon, UK, with the caption:
What part of this looks ******** normal to you?
Honestly, the only bit that looks a bit weird is the sunshine in October, but even in the UK, that can happen from time to time.
But he’s going on about the aircraft contrails in the sky (best place for them, by the way).
And as ScottFree – if that is his real name – adds:
First they gave us disease, next its famine. The West is clearly under attack by dark forces. These are not contrails, this is geo-engineering.
Either that or Devon finds itself right underneath the main trans-Atlantic route from Europe to the Americas. I wonder which it could be?
I guess the only sure fire way to know is to see what the geo-engineering boffins of the “dark forces” have geo-engineered for Devon. Tornadoes? Hurricanes? Hail? Locusts?
Ugh. It’s worse than that.
My god. It’s going to be vaguely mild and partly cloudy for the foreseeable future.
The absolute bastards! How could they?
I mean, if you did have the power to geo-engineer the weather everywhere, firstly, why would you do it over Devon, which is pretty, but is also pretty inconsequential?
And secondly, is that really the best that you can manage? A variation of two degrees and some sunny spells over a 8 day period? Is the apprentice in charge this week or something? Start with the basics and then maybe add a shower or two next Wednesday?
Honestly, sometimes it feels like these twitter people just make shit up because they’re morons.