The answers to that Excellent Quiz Question





Last week I posted an Excellent Quiz Question which evidently got a lot of people thinking. This is a good thing.

Now, I’m going to post the answers, but on this separate post so that the question remains “live” for those who want to have a go at it. If you want to have a go – click the link above rather than scrolling down for the answers below. If you want the answers, then scroll down rather than clicking the link above. If you can’t understand this simple choice, give up and go home.

Please now enjoy a photograph of Coldplay to fill up some space.

And now your winner and those who came close:

With 4/4: @jeremysetzer

With 3/4: Graeme Broster & Daniel McEwan

There were numerous entrants with 2/4.

Thanks to all that had a go. Without further ado – the answers:

There are four countries in the world which end in a letter which no other country does. Can you name them?

  1. Iraq
  2. Denmark
  3. Luxembourg
  4. Bangladesh

Cue a multitude of lightbulb moments, I would imagine…

Excellent Quiz Question

As heard yesterday evening on Cape Talk – here’s one for you:

There are four countries in the world which end in a letter which no other country does. Can you name them?

For clarification, none of them are Canada – that’s because Canada ends in an A and other countries names also end in an A. Botswana, Algeria, India for example (and there are a lot more besides).

OK, so I’ll give you one (ooer!): Iraq.

Iraq ends in a Q and no other country’s name ends in a Q.

So now you have 1 out of 4.

  1. Iraq
  2. ?
  3. ?
  4. ?

Can you name the other three?

Don’t comment here (in fact, I’ll switch them off for this post), rather click here and send me an email.
No prizes, save for maybe getting your name up here if you are one of the first to get it right.

Oh – and no googling either, ok? Think, rather.

UPDATE: Answers now published if you can’t get that brain working!