Another Other People’s Photos post.
It was a few (ten) days ago when I spotted some twitpics by Sheffielder @arepeejee taken while he was at the top of Sheffield University’s Arts Tower. (You may remember him from such blog posts as Better by tomorrow and What were the skies like when you were young?.)
Anyway, at the time, he promised that there would more to come from his “big camera”; and he wasn’t lying.
I love the architectural congestion in the foreground of this panorama, especially when it’s juxtaposed with the freedom of the blue sky beyond. And there are loads of other great photos to enjoy including two great panoramas here & here, some tiny trams here and what’s left of the hospital I was born in here.
All in all a bit of a tear-jerking reminder of my hometown.
Do take the time to go an persue the rest of his flickr stream.
Credit: Thanks to arepeegee for permission to use this photos.