Let me explain…

They say that there are always two sides to every story. Here are my two sides to this one.

Yes, there’s a post which I said I would do, and I will. I haven’t yet, agreed, but I will.
The fact is that some posts deserve more attention and effort than others. They need to be done right. That’s not to say that I will always get them right, but I will do my best. The post in question – I feel – is one of those ones. And I refuse to put it on the blog until I’m happy with it. Or in this case, until I’ve at least started it.

I don’t want to build it up so much that it’s a massive anti-climax when it arrives, but really, it’s coming. Really.

Today wasn’t the day for that, though. Today was the day for weird weather; for getting up at 5:30, taking one child somewhere, coming home, taking the other child somewhere else, taking some really crap photos of Table Mountain, coming home, buying antibiotics, coming home and then watching the Monaco Grand Prix with several (or more) bottles of Castle Milk Stout and then braai’ing some steaks to perfection.

And I’m completely unashamed to have taken that route. Although, to be honest, I’d have liked to have taken it a little bit later.

A well-deserved early night is just around the corner, and I can hardly wait.

More tomorrow.