But not by choice.
So this is an interesting one. We’re heading back home today, and we’ll be back in time for the Euro 2020 Final this evening. We’re not coming home specifically for the final. I think that even if England were in it, I probably wouldn’t be doing that.
And maybe England are in it. Or maybe they’re not.
As I write this, we’re more than 60 hours away from their semi-final kick off, so I have no idea what’s going to happen.

If you’re wanting my predictions, you’re foolish. I can’t even manage to predict the result of one lot of games right, so asking me to predict to two lots is clearly ridiculous when I probably don’t even have the right teams to choose from for the second one.
Anyway, may the better team win and all that.
(I will not be staying up for the big show down between whichever South American teams end up in their final, either.)