It’s Friday, and while your radio station might be celebrating the upcoming weekend with a live lunchtime drum and bass mix (mine is), there are always other options out there.
Like listening to the radio from yesteryear, for example. Which is exactly what you can do on Old Time Radio.

Listen to genres such as Horror, Crime, Future (Sci-fi), Comedy, Western or Drama, or click through on that helpful hamburger top right and design your own show, make a playlist, choose an appropriate visualiser or set a sleep timer so you can drop off to the best of Abbott and Costello.
I’m not going to lie, you have to be in the right mood for this, but if you are, it’s pretty cool to hear what floated people’s boats in the 1930s, 40s and 50s, just prior to the advent of Netflix.
Sadly, there’s no drum and bass to pump you up for the weekend.