New house, so much work. Just so much to do.
Initially, my list of jobs shrank by about 4 jobs today, mainly because I managed to get about 4 jobs done. However, like a debtor who is doing their level best, but still not quite meeting the interest payments, I managed to sink deeper into task debt, simply because I added more than 4 jobs onto my list of jobs.
Massive own goal.
Today was about waterproofing, painting, framing a fishing hook (I’ll explain another time) and meeting with a dogsitter. And all of those things went really well, but I’ve still ended up with more to do than I had this morning.
I’m leaving blogging until the last minute each evening, because if I don’t get those 4 jobs done, then I slip further and further behind. I haven’t watched an episode of Only Connect for over two weeks now (sorry, Victoria) and as for Thomas Heaton, well, he is but a distant memory at the moment.
I’m going away this weekend to the Weskus (the Second Bes Kus), and while that will mean no subtractions to the jobs list, it should effectively prevent any additions as well. But I still might choose to just take the hammer blow of having a day (or even just an afternoon) without jobs tomorrow, just to catch up on all the things I’ve been missing.
If you pop by at 3pm and there’s already a blog post up, you’ll know that I’m probably even further behind, and I just don’t care.