Here’s another image from the weekend away. We went ziplining.
Obviously, I took the camera along, and I did most of the photography. But when I wanted to be in the photograph, I handed it to one of our guides. And – really just to make it easy for him – I popped it onto Intelligent Auto mode. Literally all the guy had to do was press the shutter button.
What the guy actually did was turn the dial to “Watercolour Effect” mode. That’s something my camera has, but that I have never used. Why would you?
But the ziplining guy has used it. And here’s what he got with it:
Don’t we look great? In… er… faux watercolour.
All he had to do was press the button. What he did was turn the dial.
Fortunately, as soon as I got the camera back, I put the dial back onto Sport mode. But this was an automatic thing in the midst of hanging off cables and traversing kloofs above Ceres, so I didn’t really think about it until afterwards. By which time it was too late.
This was last Saturday, but it’s nice to know that if we’d have gone zip-lining during the Renaissance, this is probably what it would have looked like.