It’s been a busy year on the blog.
Just how busy? Well, you’ll have to wait until the 31st for that post.
At this of year, people are out of routine, and in my experience, that also includes blog reading routine. Visitor numbers always tumble during the Christmas and New Year period. And fair enough – too much of a good thing and all that.
So I’m going to give myself a little break as well. But if you are a regular reader who is still a regular reader: don’t panic. I’ve pre-written a few posts to ensure that you don’t go unsated. This one, for example, was written on Christmas Eve (remember all that time ago?) and (if you’re reading this) has been published by the magical WordPress elves.
As ever, my disclaimer for these sorts of chapters applies: if there was/has been some huge disaster, war or terrorist incident in the intervening period, please don’t hold it against me for blogging about something completely inane – I really wasn’t to know.
I’ll be back when all my pre-written posts have been exhausted, and if you haven’t read this (and if the world is still here), you may never even notice the difference.