The Gentlemen

We’ve just finished binging The Gentlemen on Netflix, and I’ve really enjoyed it. Those of you know me, know that I don’t do this sort of thing often or lightly, so this must have been good.

First, find a really good writer and an all-star cast, and then this far-fetched – but thoroughly absorbing – tale can begin.

The idea of a collision between the worlds of organised crime and the British aristocracy, the exploration of each of those places from the previously oblivious other side of the fence, and the bleeding of one into the other is an interesting watch: sometimes jarring, often humorous, but always entertaining.

Fair disclosure at the start here: the storyline is sometimes a bit silly, and often rather “convenient”, but you need to overlook that (and it’s really easy to do), because the cinematography, the music, the humour and the characters are just incredible. Larger than life, just enough backstory, living large in their own weird and horrific world parallel to ours, where illegality and violence are the norm, with just enough honour amongst thieves to make them occasionally seem like decent people.

And this guy…

An utterly compelling performance of a terrifying individual living in a bipolar world of simultaneous complete peace and horrific violence, yet seemingly only existing in perpetual tranquility. Dangerously unhinged, but outwardly so very calm and completely in control. The constant contradictions are so delicious.

Here’s the trailer [WARNING: STRONG LANGUAGE] The Gentlemen trailer – click through at your own risk. But it is so good. And so funny.

For the record, the nastiest violence is never on screen: always implied. The fight scenes etc aren’t pretty, but there’s nothing you couldn’t see the like of on your local sports channel most Saturdays.

6000 Recommends. Give it a go.