Watering eyes, chesty cough, general malaise. Still no voice.
I don’t seem to be able to kick this thing. The coughing is the worst and the best bit, though. Worst because it’s damn annoying and sore, best because my abs are getting the greatest workout of their lives. It’s like I’ve done a thousand sit-ups today.
Six pack incoming.
That said, I do need to get better and get going again. So tomorrow – assuming no overnight cure – I’m moving in with massive amounts of acetylcysteine to demucusify my respiratory system. We used to use acetylcysteine in the lab to break down the… er… “nastier” sputum specimens we received, and so I have high hope that I can use it on me to achieve the same effect.
With that, and my body (with its newfound amazing abs), in on the act, I feel that full recovery is mere hours away