It’s all over and some people are struggling a little.

Needs more punctuation, sure. But I feel her pain. It’s a bit weird to not have some sort of minority sport on in the background while you’re working. And we’ve got another 18 months before we can do that again, albeit with curling and speedskating.
And let no-one say that GB didn’t do its bit to help out:

They say that there is bad blood between the UK and their neighbours across the Channel, but we’ve clearly gone out of our way to assist by reenacting this year’s Gilets Jaunes protests in their hour fortnight of need. Although, it’s only August, so still plenty of time for a French uprising to finish the summer off.
And let no-one say that Yorkshire didn’t do its bit as well:

God’s Own Country chipping in with almost as many gold medals as all the other bits of GB put together. A small disclaimer that this version of the medal table was put together by the good folks at… er… BBC Yorkshire.
But I’m sure it’s accurate. And 14th leaves us ahead of some very big countries. And Ireland.
I’m guessing that this will be the last post here on the Olympics – at least for a while. Because I can’t help but think that the whole Raygun saga is far from over, and might still come back to bite someone (possibly me) in the arse.