The 6000 miles… Yachting Correspondent recently told me that my taste in music is “weird”.
You’re gonna love this one, mate.
(Spoiler: I doubt it).
And I fully recognise that this new one from James Blake won’t be to everyone’s taste, but put it through a decent set of speakers on some hazy, booze-soaked late night and it will hit the spot.
But can we please agree that this video is spectacular, and even perhaps that James’ thoughts on Eisenbahnscheinbewegung* are also worth a mention:
If the car beside you moves ahead
As much as it feels as though you’re dead
You’re not going backwards.
I think this basically means “never give up”.
* The false sensation of movement felt when looking out of the window of a stationary (no pun intended) train and seeing another train departing.