Winter is coming

I think it’s a famous line from a series I never watched.
But that’s not important right now.

I’ve noticed that I have subconsciously been prepping the house for winter. Not subconscious as in I was unknowingly doing these things, but rather that I was just doing these things because they needed doing and I’ve now realised that they needed doing in preparation for winter.

Because winter is coming.

In the UK, the change of seasons is generally observed by the switching off and on of the central heating for a week in August. Here, the change is more subtle, because we don’t have central heating. But the idea is much the same. The pool chlorinator has been reduced to just a couple of hours a day. The wood order is neatly balanced 50:50 between braai wood (rooikrans and sekelbos) and firewood (bluegum and beef oak). The beagle’s extra blanket is at the ready. We’re considering putting the thicker duvet on the bed.

The trouble is that we’re still getting the odd day with the temperature into the 30s. That’s great for autumn, and softens the blow of the impending change of season, but does make timing the changes we’re making quite tricky. You don’t want 13.5 togs on you at night when the bedroom has been baking in the pseudo-Summer sun all day.

I guess what I’m saying is that I’m ready for the change now. Bring the cold. Bring the wind and the storms. We all know that winter is coming. Let’s just get it over with now.