We like Iceland here on 6000 miles… – you only have to look at our extensive Iceland section to see that. Now, you’d do well to remember that Iceland is the best place in the world to be if you want to take amazing landscape photographs, but even so, our love of all thing Icelandic has only been augmented by seeing Sarah Martinet’s amazing aerial photography of that country. Stuff like this:
What a nation of contrasts. And puffins (not visible in these photos).
There are more of Sarah’s photos of Iceland here (which I reached via here and here) and, this being the internet, I also tracked down her 500px page, where I was blown away by much stuff, but most especially this image:
All images: Sarah Martinet
Cool. And by strange coincidence also out this week is this vid of my kid’s band recording their new album there – deeply atmospheric.
Regards to Colin.