London with Kids in Tow

I never lived in London. For me, London was always like someone else’s kids: fun for a day, but nice to leave behind and go away from at the end of it.
So taking my own was an interesting experience.

We did the Natural History Museum and we did Trafalgar Square, where they have killed all the pigeons. It was hot, busy, humid, polluted and a whole lot of fun. And I got my camera. Bring it.

I ended up tired and we seemingly did very little, but Alex and Kpu had a great time. The boy is now addicted to dinosaurs, and thanks to his Auntie Tina, now has one that roars. Annoyingly. Often. And annoyingly often.

A quieter day tomorrow, before we head out to The Isle of Man – the antithesis of London Town. No smoke, no people, occasional pigeons.

One thought on “London with Kids in Tow

  1. We had a good time too and it was great to see both Mrs Ant and Mrs 6K dancing with the MJ tribute ladies! We have the photos!

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