After the whole “Zuma raping Justice” cartoon furore, things have died down a little for rogue cartoonist Jonathan “Zapiro” Shapiro. We’ve hearly heard a peep from him over the last few months. What a pleasure.
So it was about time he came up with a plan to irritate some group or other and get himself back into the headlines. But – devoid of ideas and inspiration and with a shortened deadline due to a major religious holiday, what was he supposed to do?
The answer was obvious: rehash some contentious old stuff and add a touch of spice by throwing in some religious imagery – a surefire hit after the big Sax Appeal rumpus.
The result:
This cartoon removed at the
request of Zapiro’s legal team
6000, September 2009
Zapiro’s latest offering from
So: ANC factions nailing Jesus Justice to the cross while the NPA washes it’s hands of the affair under Zuma’s shower. All just in time for Easter.
Yep – that should last him another few weeks.
Exceptionally well done. And relevant, considering it is easter 😉
Emil´s last blog post was: Porsche Boxster – ‘n oulike ryding (Note: 6000 miles… is not responsible for the content of external internet sites)
Emil > I don’t think it’s going to offend as many people as he hoped. The public are getting wise to his tactics.
Still good commentary, don’t you think?
Emil´s last blog post was: Improve your English (Note: 6000 miles… is not responsible for the content of external internet sites)
Emil > A little contrived, I think.