Incoming from Joyanne Goodenough over at the Portfolio Collection Travel Blog.
Hi 6000
If you’ve already seen this, sorry! I am trying to round up as many votes as possible…
I have a big favour to ask…Three of my photos have been selected for a monthly Facebook competition where the winner gets an Apple Macbook. As my own el cheapo laptop is dying and no longer works without being plugged in, I would dearly love to win this…
Bottom line is I’m begging for your vote. I have quite a lot already but am still behind the top photo by a ways…
You get – a feeling of enormous well being for helping me and the chance, as a voter, to win an iPod Nano.Still reading?
It really is quick and painless… and if I say so myself I think the pics are worth a vote.Go to:
‘Like’ the group to join it (you can always unjoin at the end of June if you wish…)
Please ‘like’ the following pics which are mine…
A thousand “thank you”s.
No worries, Joyanne. We at Chez 6000 have long been admirers of your photography, so I’m happy to help, as will our reader who does everything we tell him to. So that’s two more votes for starters.
Seriously, don’t let me down here, guys – I’ve even given you a simple clickthrough link for each of the photos:
… so you hardly have to do anything at all.
So let’s get Joyanne a sparkly new computer. And maybe yourself an iPod into the bargain.
Happy Days…
awesome, I, ummm, like and liked it (push the button, but not like the Sugerbabe)
I voted too 🙂
“Unable to like this object because it is not accessible (it may have been removed or you may no longer have permission to see it).”
I tried….