The Volvo Ocean Race has named Cape Town as the first port-of-call for the 2014/15 event. The competing teams will leave Alicante in Spain on October 11th 2014 and are expected to arrive in Cape Town around the end of the month. There will then be an in-port race in Table Bay on Novmber 15th before they head off to Abu Dhabi on November 19th.
This comes after a first stop in Recife was abandoned when a team local to the port withdrew from the race.
Cape Town has been on the route for 10 of the 12 VORs and it’s a big money spinner for the city:
Councillor Grant Pascoe, the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Tourism, Events & Marketing, said he was delighted the City of Cape Town and the V&A Waterfront would host the event once more.
“Not only does this race offer worldwide marketing exposure for Cape Town and raise the City and V & A Waterfront’s profile as a top leisure and events destination, it also provides a valuable boost for the many local industries through visitor and organiser spend”
The total race distance is now just under 73,000km and will finish on June 27th 2015 in Gothenburg, over seven months after it started.
A link to this article appeared in the “Posts from the Past” sidebar on your blog page this morning… Just after I had finished watching the Volvo Ocean Race “QUICK FIX” here:
Further proof that Google is watching us..
The boats are due in to Cape Town this weekend (in the 2017-18 edition). So I am quivering with excitement like a gundog.
The very good boat tracker is here:
They have just left Tristan Da Cunha in their (dust) wake and are screaming in towards Cape Town after following the weather systems around the whole South Atlantic.
Interested? I didn’t think so!
Barnaby Steynor > Nonsense. Always interested. Not having had an opportunity to view the very good boat tracker (and what of the boats that aren’t very good?), what time might we expect them in at the V&A? I have turtly awesome business down there Saturday a.m.
Nobody ever goes to the V&A, because there are always too many people there.
The arrival times are weather dependent, so you might see some of the very, very good boats on Saturday morning in the Quay 5 area in front of the Table Bay Hotel.