Warning! This post contains language that some may consider offensive!
Way back in July, I wrote about my feelings upon the release of Batman: The Dark Knight.
I was sick to death (no pun intended) about the amount of hype surrounding the film, which would have been much lessened were it not for one of the actors, Keith Ledger, dying during filming.
Now, a mere five months on from those wet winter days, Matilda, connecting via Boston, Massachusetts, has finally popped onto the 6000 miles… site to post her annoyance at that particular article:
takethat2008@lycos.com on 2008/12/20 at 2:08pm Saw what you said about Heath Ledger, go FUCK YOURSELF!!!
Yes, that’s really the best response that she could come up with after just 158 late nights spent rooting through numerous dictionaries, thesauri and finally, 1001 Best Insults – The Complete Beginners Guide To Swearing. Brilliant. And a gold star for the Boston Education Department.
Well, the hype worked and the movie earned shedloads of cash, but Keith is still dead and 11 months on from his “accidental” overdose, Matilda still hasn’t come to terms with his passing. The CAPITALIZATION and excessive punctuation!!!!! at the end there just screams of the spleen ventage of a sad, lonely, woman who only has her 27 cats and a 56k modem for company. A woman who remains deep in denial and who takes a really long time to think up comments to write on blogs.
I look forward to hearing from Matilda again soon. Well, June-ish, anyway.
EDIT: Emil may have stumbled upon something here:
matilda seems very cross with you! Probably jealous about your phone!
Yes, Emil – thinking about it, that was probably the final icing on the coffin which broke the camels back. Good point.
You’re still ******** you ******* *****!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s Heath not Keith you insensitive *****!!!!!!!!!!!!
[comment edited for taste and decency by 6000
The *’s are all mine, the !’s are all Matilda’s though]
Heath? What sort of a name is that?
Matilda – you’re not fooling anyone. His name was Keith.
I have never heard of anyone called Heath. That’s just silly.
Heath? Isn’t that a plant or something?
You go Matilda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone needs to vent every now and then. Especially at Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!
Year-end frustrations, I guess! Or the obscenity is the sign of a weak mind trying to express itself
And I thought it was Andrew Ledger! Goes to show what I know.
Emil´s last blog post was: Thinking about Sin (Note: 6000 miles… is not responsible for the content of external internet sites)
I always find it rather amusing that, by way of insult, one is invited to undertake the physically impossible.
Seems rather pointless saying it, really.
GaiB > Speak for yourself. ;@)
Oh too funny! I think poor Matilda is a teen fan suffering the too-early departure of her teen idol.
I always thought he was called S.Ledger (ok – so this is only funny if you have snow for Christmas… but still!)
Oops – hope I haven’t overused the !!!?
Lady Fi´s last blog post was: The pooping log and other poopers (Note: 6000 miles… is not responsible for the content of external internet sites)
Now did she come to me via your post about him or vice versa? I must say, you got a very generic comment by the troll. I at least got called a homophobe and a…er…’r’unt
Goblin´s last blog post was: Time is running out (Note: 6000 miles… is not responsible for the content of external internet sites)
Does little Matilda not have a blog we can go and exclaim all over??
I always find it disappointing when girls swear like f*cking troopers… 😛
Helga Hansen´s last blog post was: Operation Christmas (Note: 6000 miles… is not responsible for the content of external internet sites)
Matilda is correct – the dude’s name is Heath Ledger. If you want to know what kind of name that is – he was austrailian, man do I have to say more. As you see I am not a fan of much austrailian. But credit where its due, he was not too bad an actor, too bad he became a typical hollywoodian (if thats a word) where drugs and alcohol are the call of the day.
A heath is an area of moorland often covered in heather, these are important habitats for migratory birds and are considered by some to be outstandingly beautiful. We should mourn the loss of any such habitat, whether by over farming, climate induced erosion or drug overdose. Show a bit more respect for the environment and the rude lady with the exclamation marks. Has anyone noticed by the way, her email address is a tribute to Take that. can I suggets you slag Robbie and the fat one just to get her reaction? HEY IMAGINE IF THEY DIED!!!!!!! THEY MIGHT WIN AN OSCAR TOO!!!!
Stu > Which fat one?
Lol, i dont think it beats the male Britney Spears Addict, must find the link for that video, but take it from me dont say nasty things about Britney around that guy. He is actually a superhero, Super Emo
Mike Larry´s last blog post was: What 2009 Has In Store (Note: 6000 miles… is not responsible for the content of external internet sites)
Mike > Mr “Don’t Diss Britney”? That was internet history being made right there. Far cleverer than the abuse that Matilda left for me.