Today is very busy…

And it’s not been helped by the poor beagle hurting her leg.

Obviously, the 24hr emergency vet is heaving, given that it’s the only place open for veterinary treatment in the whole of the city.

So this is written from the waiting room floor. We’ve been here an hour already. They’re snowed under.

Would have hoped to have a more positive post today, but fingers crossed we’ll be out of here and happier soon.

Also, there’s just one annoying bloke here who thinks he needs to be attended to before anyone else. Trying all the tricks: he likes the receptionist’s tattoos, he’s chatting to (and delaying) all the vets who are coming out of the consulting rooms, he’s talking loudly on his phone about how long he’s been waiting.
It’s about 40 minutes less than us.

And now he’s wandering around muttering stuff under his breath.

Weird and irritating.

I’ll keep you all updated.

EDIT: Aaaaand… it’s a torn Cranial Cruciate Ligament: possibly done chasing a cat from the garden this morning. Surgery required once the vets are open and working again. A great start to the festive period and the New Year. Eish.