Garden birds are dying from a viral disease which is spreading across the UK, say researchers at the Zoological Society of London, who have spent a lot of time looking at great tits.
The large (by viral standards, anyway) avipoxvius has probably been carried to the British Isles by an insect vector and is now affecting large numbers of garden birds, especially the great tit population, which had previously been unexposed. If there was ever an argument for exposing your great tits, this is surely it.
As a child, I can remember always enjoying the sight of great tits in local parks and so I hope something can be done about this. It would be sad if future generations were unable to view great tits on a regular basis.
The cold winter will hopefully limit the spread of the virus, although it may also result in blue tits catching it too.
You’re just having fun saying “tits” as often as you can and getting away with it, aren’t you?
Gary > Breast fun ever.
ag shame poor tits
I think we need to send our Chief Tit over to the British Isles then and hope he catches the virus and that it can’t be cured by simply taking a shower…
Ronnie > It is actually quite sad, yes.
Gary > They’re no better over there.