It seems that way. Tourist numbers have never been higher [awaits statistic-carrying doom and gloom merchants with evidence to the contrary]. Everywhere is PACKED! For some reason, we decided to take a trip down to the V&A Waterfront yesterday to soak up some of the Christmas spirit, see some fishy stuff, play some cave golf and see The World.
Not the entire world, obviously. That would require a ridiculous amount of time and effort [and money – Mrs 6000], but the residential cruise ship and playground of the rich and famous.
She is in Cape Town for the New Year before heading north for Lüderitz and Walvis Bay in Namibia and then back past Cape Town and the Southern Cape bound for Durban later in January 2012.
With penthouses going for around $14,000,000 [a cool R115m], maybe Mrs 6000 has a point about The World being a bit pricey, but with only 165 residences and over 200 crew, it sounds like you get decent service.
It’s also very, very nice to look at. Get down to the V&A Waterfront and avoid the rather hectic security near the jetty to have a gander.
Follow The World on by clicking here or see some more photos here.