We at 6000 Towers think that Iceland is pretty cool. We might have mentioned that before. Repeatedly.
But here’s yet another feather in the cap of the chilly volcanic island’s cap: Lögreglan – The Reykjavík metropolitan police official Instagram account.
How cool are these guys?
Brekkan getur oft verið ansi brött, en ekkert er óyfirstíganlegt… #þrjárbrattar & Brace yourselves winter is coming
Fuglunum gefið brauð & Var sumarið ekki að undirbúa komu sína? #reiðhjólasumar #snjóengill
Presumably, there’s some actual police work going on at some point as well. Presumably.
I do use Instagram, but I use it to share photos rather than to follow other people – there’s Flickr and or twitter for that sort of thing. However, I’m going to make Lögreglan the first and only account I’m following. And I won’t be alone, with their cult following of almost 19,000 users.
I somehow can’t see the Cape Town metro cops doing something like this, and even if they did, I can’t see it being nearly as good as the Lögreglan one.
Yes, South Africa is very cool, but Iceland is (quite literally) a bit cooler.