… and actually that’s it. What on earth were you expecting?
It’s been a busy weekend, Chez 6000. Loads of little niggly jobs got done, which was great, but niggly.
What’s left of the garden (remember those water restrictions?) got a bit of much-needed attention. It’s looking good (ish) all things considered.
We planted a lemon tree, because when life gives you a lemon tree, you… plant it. Especially as it’s not very water wise, so there will be nothing to make lemonade out of anyway.
United scraped home against a 9-man Shrewsbury Town. Eish.
We braai’ed and, as is usual when we braai, I drank ever so slightly too much red wine.
I’m going to order a drone tomorrow. I think the pain of Lily needs to be exorcised.