Thanks Gareth

Each and every weekday morning, just before the 8:30 news, 5fm’s breakfast DJ Gareth Cliff plays the “Old School” (should that be “Skool”?) track of the day.
This is the part of the show which is designed to make people of my age feel much older than we actually are, by playing tracks from the mid-00’s, which people of my age consider to be “recent”, and calling them “old”.

Still, some of the stuff he plays is much better than that modern R&B rubbish that’s being released at the moment. Or at least it was, until today when he gave us the 1988 Billy Ocean “classic” Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car.
I was stuck in traffic in Rondebosch at the time (the time he played the song, not 1988) and suddenly became aware of several questioning glances coming my way. Contrary to popular belief, there are not a huge number of places to hide in a car (Mexican immigrants know this) as you are mainly surrounded by glass.
Schoolchildren were laughing and pointing. Elderly pedestrians frowned disapprovingly at the noise.

Fortunately, no-one actually tried to “get into my car” (and who can blame them with that racket going on?). But now, everyone on Campground Road thinks I am a Billy Ocean fan.
Suddenly, life has new meaning to me.

15 thoughts on “Thanks Gareth

  1. Goblin > Cliff in the morning, Maytham in the afternoon.
    What would your choices be if you actually got out of bed each day?

  2. Emil > Ah – what’s the latest on the little fellow?

    I was at the junction of Campground and Sandown. Being laughed at.

  3. Come on 6K, we’ve all seen your Billy Ocean’s Greatest Hits album…on vinyl! There ain’t no denying you is a BO fan!

  4. I had a similar problem when I stumbled across and purchased a Rick Astley CD on sale @ Musica.

    Seems… She wants to dance with me. You’d be excused for getting a little excited too.

  5. Emil – my hand is up. Although nodding along this morning it did cause a rather embarrasing encounter. Some guy on the side of the street thought I was nodding and smiling at him and he waved back… oops!
    .-= Ordinarylife´s last blog ..Moaning Monday! =-.

  6. Emil > Just keep pumping him with Myprodol.

    JPD > You purchased a Rick Astley CD and you think our problems are similar? No mate – you’re on your own there.

    OL > Did he try to get into your car?

  7. You’ve just reminded me that I need to tune into Highveld Stereo for a dose of Vaalie nostalgia… a few years back I’d listen in the afternoons, as the DJ did the traffic report, and I’d try and remember where s/he was talking about! 😀

    Didn’t BO do Caribbean Queen as well? I was more into Alphaville and Thompson Twins in those days! Oh, and a-ha, of course! 😉
    .-= Helga Hansen´s last blog ..Fascinating stuff! =-.

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